How to Use Content to Boost Your SEO

Our Top Tips For Content Success in 2020

If you want to improve your SEO this year, then it’s time to improve on and add to the content on your site.

Boosting your SEO is essential if you want to build a strong presence online. One of the easiest and most effective ways to improve your search engine optimisation is to focus on the content on your site. Here’s everything you need to know about making content that works for you – from what to include to where to find the best experts in SEO Essex has to offer.

Focus on quality content

The first thing you should do is take a look at the content on your site. Is it engaging? Does it inform and educate while being easy to understand? Does it paint your products or services in a good light? If not, it’s time to create some high quality content. Google bots analyse content quality and look for longer form content that is unique and original, as well as additional features such as images and videos to further engage users.

Look into keywords

Your content not only needs to be fresh and original, but you also need to include keywords. These keywords need to be relevant to your business and effective enough to boost your ranking on search engine result pages. Your content still needs to read naturally though, so think carefully about where you place your keywords. To include as many as possible in your content, sneak them into headings and image names too.

Related:   Good SEO Needs On- And Off-Page Optimisation

Make it accessible

You need to make sure that that your great content is easily accessible to those visiting your site – and nothing puts web users off like slow loading times. In fact, most people expect a page to load in two seconds or less, and fast loading times boost your search engine results position. There are many ways to ensure that your content loads quickly, such as resizing and compressing large image files and spreading your content across multiple servers.

Promote your new content

After you have worked hard to create some brilliant content, you need to promote it. Yes, some users may come across it by chance, but directing people to it will ensure plenty of traffic and more leads. You can reach out to influential sites and offer to write guest posts or ask them to plug your content, as well as sharing any new content with your own social media followers. When it comes to SEO success, leave nothing to chance.

Call in the experts

If you’re not sure where to begin, then why not bring in the professionals? An expert company such as Freelance SEO Essex will be able to help you create content that works for you and your business, ensure that your site is functional and user-friendly, and scout out the best promotional opportunities for the content that you have produced. In their capable hands, your content will be making more of an impact than ever before.

What are you waiting for?

When it comes to SEO, content really is king. Now that you know how to use content to improve your SEO, what are you waiting for? If you get started now, then 2020 will be the year that you really take your business to the next level.

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