A Great Night Was Had By All at the Essex Digital Awards 2017

Last night, our team attended the Essex Digital Awards 2017, which took place at Boreham House, Chelmsford.

We were billed as Associate Sponsors for the fourth year running, and were lucky enough to rub shoulders with a whole host of other fantastic supporters, including Headline Sponsors Nimbus Hosting, Essex Chambers of Commerce, Heart Essex, Superfast Essex, The Employment and Skills Board, Barclays and the Essex Chronicle. Voice Communications also joined us for the event. freelance seo essex at eda17

After taking part in a brief Facebook Live session, Director Danielle took to the stage to present the award for Best Blog for Business, handing over Bronze to Fireplace Products, Silver to Darkworld Gaming, and Gold to local copywriting specialists Creative Quills.

The full list of winners can be found here.

The atmosphere was truly buzzing and the huge amount of digital talent in our county never ceases to amaze us!

To lend more support to our local businesses, Freelance SEO Essex is offering a free SEO consultation to all those nominated for an Award in 2017. For more information, or to book a meeting, please contact us directly.

Related:   FSE Sponsors The Mid Essex Business Awards!
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