Freelance SEO Essex Director Supports Enspire Success Mock Interview Programme

Last week, I took part in the Enspire Success: Work Ready & Mock Interview Programme at Thomas More High School for Boys in Westcliff on Sea, Essex.

The initiative, which was co-ordinated by EnSpirit Global, was designed to help Year 10s at the school improve their interview skills. With the support of EnSpirit’s experienced organisers, Baiju and Penny, students were encouraged to think carefully about their future education and their wider career choices. They were then given the opportunity to speak with external business men and women, including me, about their ideas, before receiving tailored feedback on their presentation and overall communication skills.

Each local volunteer ‘interviewed’ around six students each. I have to say, I was completely blown away by the intelligence and insight demonstrated by many of the students, and it was a real pleasure to help them put together a plan for their future.

EnSpirit is always looking for volunteers for similar programmes in the Essex area. If you’re interested in getting involved, you can start by completing the company’s Contributor Enquiry Form here.

You can also join EnSpirit’s Twitter community using the hashtags #NoPlanB and #StartYourFire.

I hope to see you at the next event!


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