Freelance SEO Essex Supports Enterprise in Education Scheme at Local School

Enterprise EducationIn the third week of January, FSE was given the opportunity to meet with a number of 13 and 14 year old students at a local high school as part of a Career Options Programme led by the skills development initiative Enterprise in Education.

Representatives from a diverse range of organisations, including Basildon Council and Barclays Bank, were on hand to lend their support.

Co-Director Danielle attended two days of the three day programme, which took place at Beauchamps High School in Wickford, Essex.

Schemes such as these are designed to give Year 9 students the opportunity to meet with an external business person for 15 minutes each to discuss their career goals and overall ambitions for the future. Talking through various ideas and limitations with a third party helps attendees maintain their focus; the process encourages them to think clearly about what they want to achieve, and, crucially, which subjects they would like to study at GCSE level.

With the help of a predetermined questionnaire, the interviewers quizzed students on their skills, qualities and preferred career paths. Following a predetermined structure for the session in this way allows pupils to practice their interview skills in a risk free environment, develop their confidence, and gain a stronger understanding of employers’ expectations in the modern marketplace.

Over 150 students took part in the programme and overall feedback was highly positive, with students stating that they found the sessions “useful” and “eye-opening”.

For more information on the training and development programmes offered by Enterprise in Education, please click here.

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