Google Unveils New Logo… But it’s Not The Only Thing That’s Changing At The Company

Google’s logo isn’t the only thing that’s changing…

Google is always at the forefront of change, and this week was no different as Google premiered their new logo on their homepage. The new logo features the same colour scheme and wording, although the shape of the letters is significantly different and designers have made good use of sans-serif. But the logo isn’t the only thing that’s changing at Google HQ.

Mid- August brought more disruption at the firm with the announcement that Google would now overseen by new parent company, Alphabet, following a corporate restructure. Larry Page, Co-Founder of Google, stated that he believed “over time companies tend to get comfortable doing the same thing, just making incremental changes”, so although this is not an incremental change, are the effects going to have a tangible impact on Google’s service and influence?

As you can see in the diagram, Google is in control of many sub-divisions, including Search, AdWords, YouTube and Maps (among others), but with the recent restructure of Google into Alphabet, there will be a new structure to the corporation.

google old company structure


Page described Alphabet to be a collection of companies, with Google being the largest, which allows each one to operate independently. This is what will happen to Google – operations will continue as usual, but processes will become cleaner and divisions will become more accountable. Furthermore, it will enable the more innovative branches of Google, like the Google X, which is responsible for the creation of driverless cars and drones, to keep tremendous focus on extraordinary opportunities. Another prospect that has sprung out of the acquisition is Google’s ability to even further retain and obtain very gifted individuals. The opportunity to build an independent brand will not only aid the company when it comes to possible acquisitions, but this new structure is sure to reassure present employees and attract new talents.

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In terms of stocks and shares, Google Inc. will be replaced by Alphabet Inc. as the publicly-traded entity. All Google shares will convert to Alphabet shares, but the two classes of shares will remain to trade on NASDAQ as GOOGL and GOOG.

When all is said and done, Google isn’t changing that much at user level. Time will tell if this re-shuffle has bigger implications for search and SEO, and the way in which businesses are able to advertise and market themselves online.

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