Has Coronavirus Impacted Your Business? Use SEO to Get Back on Track

Why Search Engine Optimisation Has Never Been So Important

Businesses all over the UK have been impacted by the coronavirus. SEO can help them to recover the ground they’ve lost in the past few weeks.

If your business has felt the impact of COVID-19, you certainly aren’t alone. As you fight to win back customers and make an impression in this strange new world, it’s never been more important to focus on SEO. Here’s everything you need to know – including where to find the best experts in SEO Essex has to offer.

A hard time for businesses

There’s no doubt that the coronavirus pandemic has been hard on businesses. You only need to look at the government’s furlough scheme to understand the scale of the issue. The state having to step in pay people’s wages because of economic upset would have been unthinkable at the start of the year – and yet, here we are. From non-essential retail to construction, from the travel sector to hair and beauty, there are very few industries who haven’t been devastated.

Making your way back

It’s not all doom and gloom though. Some of the government’s strictest lockdown measures are being eased, and many businesses are tentatively opening up again. However, if you have been forced to close for a long time, you may have found that some of your clients and customers have moved on – or aren’t as willing to spend. You may have to make up a lot of lost ground. Don’t worry though, as that doesn’t need to be an insurmountable task.

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SEO can help to turn ailing businesses around. Customers were searching for products and services online before, but now that many of them are working from and spending more time at home, a Google search has more power than ever. A good SEO strategy will see your site appear at the top of those crucial search results. Most people don’t go beyond the first page of results, so getting yourself to the top means being able to get a foothold and beginning your comeback.

It’s never too late!

Some companies are already familiar with SEO, and have paid it the cursory amount of attention. For others, it may something that is completely new to them. It is never too late to focus on your SEO though. So it doesn’t matter you have used it to further the reach of your website before or this is going to be your very first time. Good SEO can be gained through high quality content, an easy to navigate site, and responsive web design.

Getting the right help

If all of the above sounds totally bewildering, it’s time to call in the experts. Freelance SEO Essex are one of the leading specialists in the field, and will be able to help you improve your site’s SEO. They will take the time to get to know you, and then deliver a service that has been tailored to your exact needs. With their help, you will get your site heading in the right direction – towards the top of the first page of those all-important Google results.

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What are you waiting for?

We’ve introduced a number of new packages, including local tradesman SEO packages and local SEO campaigns, so we’ve got services available to help all local businesses during these uncertain times.

Now that you know what to do next, why wait around? As soon as you start investing in SEO, you’ll notice an up-tick in interest in your site – with more revenue as a result!

Read more: Why Now is The Perfect Time to Focus on Your SEO »